What shall you do if you doubt the number of rak`as while offering prayer? How could you overco ...
It’s when the entire world fades away, only me and Him in a sea of peace I find ultimate relief ...
What could be wrong with our prayer and therefore might be standing in our way to God? How coul ...
Why is Prayer the second pillar of Islam? Performed five times a day, is it a kind of ritual or ...
As the sound of the Adhan is heard throughout the world, Muslims stop and turn to the Lord, tha ...
Islam is built on five main pillars. Prayer stands as the second pillar after declaring the tes ...
Dr. Jamal Badawi explores the significance of prayer in Islam and that it is not a mere ritual ...
Performing the prayer is a command of Allah. It is the most important pillar of Islam. It disti ...
Do you recall when was the last time you prayed?... Readers' answers may vary, but what is comm ...
This videos explains how to offer the Maghrib Prayer. ...