Pure Water

Purification: Types of Impurities (2/2)

Is the dog impure? How could you purify your shoes? What is the ruling of the skin of dead anim ...

A pig and a dog.

Purification: Types of Impurities (1/2)

What is the ruling of the pig’s meat regarding purity? What is the ruling of blood? What is the ...


Useful Points Regarding Purification

What are the etiquettes of entering the bathroom? How could you clean yourself after urination? ...

What Is the Ruling of the Baby's Urine

What Is the Ruling of a Baby’s Urine?

What is the ruling of the baby's urine? At what age should the boy's urine be washed? Watch thi ...

A cat drinks from a pond.

Leftover Water

What is the ruling of water left in a container after a cat, pig, or dog? ...


The Rulings of Relieving Oneself

What are the rulings of relieving oneself? How to clean yourself after urinating or defecating? ...