What Is the Ruling of Brownish Discharge Before and After Menses?

What Is the Ruling of Brownish Discharge With Menses?

What Is the Ruling of Brownish Discharge Before and After Menses? What is meant by kudrah and s ...

Devotion in Various Acts in Prayer

Devotion in Various Acts in Prayer

What is the meaning of devotion in Prayer? How could you achieve khushu` in your prayer? How co ...

Saying Ameen Loudly or Silently During the Congregational Prayer?

How To Say Ameen During the Congregational Prayer?

What is the ruling of saying ameen during the audible prayers? Is it permissible to say ameen l ...

Can Women Do Itikaf at Home?

Can Women Do Itikaf at Home?

What is the ruling of making itikaf at home for women (musalla room) instead of the Masjid? Wha ...

In Prayer Behind Imam Should I Recite Or Stay Silent

In Congregational Prayer, Should I Recite Or Stay Silent?

What is the ruling of reciting Surat Al-Fatihah during prayer? Do you have to recite surat Al-F ...

Offering Obligatory Prayer Behind One who Is Offering Nafl

Offering Obligatory Prayer Behind One who Is Offering Nafl: Permissible?

What is the ruling of offering an obligatory prayer behind one who is offering nafl? What shoul ...

What is the Opening Supplication in Prayer? 

What Is the Importance of the Opening Supplication in Prayer? 

What is the meant by the opening supplication (duaa) in prayer? When should one recite it? What ...

Can I Hold the Mushaf and Follow the Imam in Taraweeh?

Can I Hold the Mushaf and Follow the Imam in Taraweeh?

Is it permissible to hold a translation of the Quran while offering taraweeh behind the imam? ...

Tarawih Prayer

Is Offering Tarawih in Congregation Bidah?

What is meant by bid`ah? How could you refute the misconception about Tarawih prayer? Did `Umar ...

Observing Congregational Prayer at Mosques in Ramadan

Observing Congregational Prayer at Mosques in Ramadan

What is the ruling of the congregational prayer in Islam? What are the virtues of going to the ...