Tarawih Prayer

The Reward of Praying Tarawih in Congregation

How could a believer get closer to Allah in Ramadan? What is the reward of observing and offeri ...


Holding a Translation of the Qur’an during Tarawih

Is the translation of the Qur’an is considered Qur’an? Is it permissible to read from the Mus-h ...


The Night Prayer

What is the recommended time of the Night Prayer? What are the etiquettes of the Night Prayer? ...


Was There Ritual Prayer before Islam? (2/2)

How did the Companions follow the Prophet in every single word he uttered? What is the wisdom b ...

The Call to Prayer..Meaning & Uniqueness

Five times a day from hundreds of thousands of mosques and places of worship throughout the wor ...

Prayer: The Foundation of Faith

How could you define your relationship with God; in which means? Just have a deeper look into y ...

How Can I Get up for Fajr Prayer (Dawn)

Can I pray Tahhajjud Soon after the Isha’ Prayer?

What is the time for tahajjud prayer? How can one get up for Fajr Prayer (Dawn)? Watch this tal ...

What Is the Minimum for the Witr Prayer?

What Is the Minimum for the Witr Prayer?

How could you prayer the Witr prayer? What is the minimum number for the Witr Prayer? Watch thi ...

Tarawih Prayer

How Many Rakahs in Tarawih Prayer?

What do you know about Tarawih Prayer? How many are the rak`ahs of Tarawih Prayer? Is it limite ...

Some Muslims offer the Tarawih Prayer.

Tarawih Prayer: Excellence and Virtues

What are the virtues of the Night Prayer? What is its time? ...