Muslim men are offering prayer.

How Is Prayer Performed? (1/2)

What are the formulae of the opening supplications in prayer? What should one say after the ope ...

The Sacred Mosque in Makkah.

Conditions of Prayer: Facing the Qiblah

What is the ruling of facing the qiblah when offering prayer? What is the ruling of a person wh ...


Prayer: A Personality Changer

Why Muslims offer prayer? What is the effect of prayer on the personality? How does prayer chan ...

Some Muslims are performing ablution.

Is Ghusl Sufficient for Ablution?

What is the ruling if a person does not intend to perform ablution during the optional ritual b ...

The Isha Prayer

The `Isha’ Prayer

Enjoy listening to the verses recited with khushu’ and learn the movements made in each rak`ah ...

`Asr: The Middle Prayer

`Asr: The Middle Prayer

What is the importance of the middle prayer? What are the effects of leaving the `Asr prayer? ...


Revive Your Faith with Prayer

What is the relationship between faith and prayer? How does Allah describe prayer in the Qur’an ...

a woman offers prayer.

Can I Pray While Bleeding after 40 Days of Nifas?

What are the kinds of blood that are seen by women? What is meant by istihadah? What is the ru ...

A person makes sujud (prostration) - Offering Two Rak`ahs of Shukr, Ok

Offering Two Rak`ahs of Thankfulness: OK?

What is the ruling of prostration of thankfulness? When could one perform it? Is it a condition ...

Offering Congregational Prayer.

Congregational Prayer Behind a Latecomer: How?

What should one do if missed the congregational prayer? ...