What Could Be Done If a Child Blocks the Place of Prostration?

What could be done if a child blocks the place of prostration? ...

Respond to the Call for Prayer

Respond to the Call for Prayer ...

Someone performs ablution.

Importance of Ablution (2/2)

How could the Muslim perfect the ablution? What are the common mistakes that people make while ...

The Muslim Prayer Book: Rules, Concepts & Merits

The Muslim Prayer Book: Rules, Concepts & Merits ...

A mosque

Husband Leading His Wife in Prayer

Is it permissible to offer congregational prayer with one’s wife? How? ...

Sheikh Zaid Mosque.

Excessive Movement in the Prayer

What is the significance of Khushu` in prayer? What is the ruling of prayer without it? ...

Call to Prayer

The Sunnah in Making Adhan and Using the Miswak

Do you have to make Adhan if you pray individually at home? What is the excellence in doing it? ...

Muslims are prostrating during prayer.

Was There Ritual Prayer before Islam? (1/2)

How did Arab Idolaters use to pray? How did Prophet Abraham use to pray ...

Should Women Cover Their Feet during Prayer at Home?

Women Prayer in Islam: Covering the Feet

A question on women Prayer in Islam. Should women cover their feet during Prayer at Home? Watch ...

Prayer: The Key to Good Life

Performing the prayer is a command of Allah. It is the most important pillar of Islam. It disti ...