There are many texts from the Qur'an and the Sunnah that place emphasis on cleanliness. The Pro ...
How to perform ghusl? What are the acts that necessitate performing ghus? What are the superero ...
Is it necessary to make water reach the roots of one's hair during ghusl? ...
What is the significance of supplication during the prayers? Is there a difference between supp ...
What is the difference between hayd (menstruation) and istihadah (irregular bleeding)? Could a ...
What are the virtues of washing the deceased Muslim? Is it permissible for a husband to wash hi ...
What is the ruling of keeping dogs at home in Islam? What is the ruling of touching them? ...
Does madhi require performing ghusl? What is the ruling if one remembers that he had a wet drea ...
What is the ruling of ablution after changing my baby’s diaper? Does touching the impurity null ...
What are the cases that require performing ghusl? What is the minimum and maximum period of nif ...