What is the ruling of forgetting the number of rak`ahs (unit of prayer) while making sujud (pro ...
What is the ruling of making sujud as-sahw during prayer? How could you offer it correctly? Wha ...
What is the meaning of devotion in Prayer? How could you achieve khushu` in your prayer? How co ...
What is meant by Attahiyat that is said during prayer? What are the virtues of Attahiyat? Watch ...
Watch this short talk about the ruling on du`aa' between the two prostrations, with Dr. Muhamma ...
What are the comprehensive supplications that one could make during prayer? ...
Is it permissible to make supplication in your own language during prayer? What are the most co ...
Is it necessary to be in a state of taharah (purification) when offering Sujud Ash-Shukr? ...
What is the secret of prostration? Does Mohamed Salah worship one God? How does prostration ref ...
Why do we pray? What is the purpose of our creation? ...