Praying Nafl in Congregation: Allowed?

Praying Nafl in Congregation: Allowed?

Did the Prophet (peace be upon him) use to offer nafl prayers in congregation? What is the ruli ...

Witr Prayer

What Is the Ruling of the Witr Prayer?

Does one have to make up the missed witr prayers? ...

Tasbeeh Prayer

What Is the Ruling of Tasbeeh Prayer?

How could one offer tasbeeh prayer? Is it Sunnah or an innovation? What are the virtues of the ...

Someone raises his hands in supplication.

Istikharah Prayer

What is meant by Prayer of Istikharh? How could one seek guidance from prayer? ...

The sunrise over a mosque.

Merits of the Duha Prayer

What are the virtues of the Duha Prayer? What is the best time to offer it? ...

Someone raises his hand in supplication.

Prayer of Repentance

What is the status of repentance in Islam? What is meant by prayer of repentance? ...

Someone is offering prayer

Optional Prayer Before `Asr (Afternoon Prayer)

What are the merits of offering the optional prayer before the obligatory one? ...


Istikharah Prayer

How could you perform Istikharah? What should you do after performing it? What are the benefits ...


The Night Prayer

What is the recommended time of the Night Prayer? What are the etiquettes of the Night Prayer? ...