What Is the Validity of Ablution While Wearing Nail Polish?

What Is the Validity of Ablution While Wearing Nail Polish?

What is the ruling of wearing nail polish for Muslim women? Is it permissible to wear nail poli ...

Saying Bismillah Before Ablution

Can I Say Bismillah in Bathroom for Ablution?

What is the ruling of mentioning Allah's Name inside bathroom before making ablution? ...

How Does Islam Encourage Cleanliness

Discover How Islam Cares About Cleanliness

There are many texts from the Qur'an and the Sunnah that place emphasis on cleanliness. The Pro ...

Unable to Perform Wudu Due to Disability

I Am Unable to Perform Wudu Due to Disability, What Do I Do?

What is meant by Tayammum? How can you perform it? ...

Supplication After Performing Wudu'

Is There any Supplication to Make After Performing Wudu’?

Is there any authentic supplication to say after ablution? ...

Can I Wipe Over my Headscarf During Ablution

Can I Wipe Over my Headscarf During Ablution?

Is it permissible for Muslim woman to wipe over her headscarf during ablution? ...

Having Blood on Underwear, What to Do

Having Blood on Underwear, What to Do?

What are the prerequisites of prayer? Is Taharah a condition for the validity of prayer? ...

Do I Have to Wash my Long Thick Hair During Ghusl

Do I Have to Wash my Long Thick Hair During Ghusl?

Is it necessary to make water reach the roots of one's hair during ghusl? ...

Doubts about wudu

Having Doubts About My Wudu: What Shall I Do?

How could one overcome the whispers of Satan when performing wudu'? How could you perform wudu' ...

Can a Shower Count for Wudu'

Can a Shower Count for Wudu’?

Does taking a shower count for wudu' (ablution)? What is the importance of intention in such ca ...