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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Was There Ritual Prayer before Islam? (1/2)

Was There Ritual Prayer before Islam? (1/2)

How did Arab Idolaters use to pray? How did Prophet Abraham use to pray ...

The Earth is My Masjid

The Earth is My Masjid

What is the first masjid built in Islam? What do you know about Masjid Quba’? Is the mosque bui ...

The Ruling of the Missed Prayers

The Ruling of the Missed Prayers

What is the ruling if you leave a prayer until the following prayer comes? ...

Is Qunut Obligatory in Witr Prayer?

Is Qunut Obligatory in Witr Prayer?

What is Qunut? How should you make du`aa’ in Witr Prayer? ...

Conditions of Prayer: Physical Purity

Conditions of Prayer: Physical Purity

How should you perform ablution in its perfect way? What are the states that require performing ...

Wiping Over Head for Women

Wiping Over Head for Women

How do women wipe over their heads while performing ablution? ...

Washing the Feet While Performing Wudu’

Washing the Feet While Performing Wudu’

What is the ruling of wiping over the socks and shoes? ...

How to Live in the Prayer before the Act of Praying

How to Live in the Prayer before the Act of Praying

How could a person prepare himself to pray before the act of praying? What are the spiritual me ...

How to Maintain Kushu` in Prayer

How to Maintain Kushu` in Prayer

How much do you benefit from the prayer? How much khushu` do you have in prayer? ...

Mistakes Made by People While Praying (2/2)

Mistakes Made by People While Praying (2/2)

What are the states and positions of the imam and his followers while offering prayers? What is ...