If someone is in the middle of a prayer, and he has doubt in his ablution, what should he do? W ...
What is the ruling of finding wetness after waking up? Is it madhi or mani? Does it require per ...
How to perform ablution (wudu) effectively without wasting water? How could a Muslim perform wu ...
Could one offer prayer without taharah (purification)? What is the ruling of making Salah for o ...
What is the ruling of running fingers through beard in wudu? What is the ruling of washing face ...
What is the ruling of wiping over my hijab (head cover for women) instead of wiping over my hea ...
A detailed explanation on how to offer the Prayer correctly. ...
What are the types of the vaginal discharge? Do they necessitate performing ghusl (ritual bath) ...
What is the ruling of offering supplication during prostration of thankfulness or prostration o ...
What is the ruling of wiping the ears during wudu (ablution)? Is it obligatory or just a Sunnah ...