Tarawih Prayer

Is Offering Tarawih in Congregation Bidah?

What is meant by bid`ah? How could you refute the misconception about Tarawih prayer? Did `Umar ...

What Is the Ruling of Intention before Prayer

What Is the Ruling of Intention before Prayer?

What is the ruling of intention before offering prayer? What is ruling of uttering the intentio ...

The imam is on the pulpit delivering Friday Khutbah.

Friday Khutbah (sermon)

What should be the khutbah of the Jumu`ah contain? Is it permissible for the imam to interrupt ...

Someone offers ablution

What Is the Importance of Ablution?

What is the importance of ablution? Is Prayer valid without ablution? ...


Duha Prayer

How many rak`ahs is the Duha Prayer? What it its ruling in Islam? ...

Some Muslim youth offer prayer in congregation.

The Prayer! The Prayer!

What are the lessons to be learned from the Prophet’s death? What is the importance of prayer i ...

Spiritual Retreat

I`tikaf during the Last Third of Ramadan

What is meant by i`tikaf? What are the etiquettes of i`tikaf? What is the significance of i`tik ...

Doubts about wudu

Having Doubts About My Wudu: What Shall I Do?

How could one overcome the whispers of Satan when performing wudu'? How could you perform wudu' ...

Making Dhikr with Singing or Drums

Making Dhikr with Singing or Drums: Allowed?

What are the etiquettes of Friday Sermon? What is the ruling of talking during the khutbah of J ...

Rain falling

Prayer for Rain (Salat Al-Istisqa’)

What is the recorded supplication regarding the Prayer for Rain? ...