What are the virtues of the Night Prayer? What is its time? ...
Is it prohibited to make du`aa’ during the intervals in Tarawih Prayer? Is it permissible to ta ...
How could you offer the nafl prayers regularly? What are the virtues of making the sunnah acts ...
What is meant by bid`ah? How could you refute the misconception about Tarawih prayer? Did `Umar ...
What is the ruling of intention before offering prayer? What is ruling of uttering the intentio ...
What should be the khutbah of the Jumu`ah contain? Is it permissible for the imam to interrupt ...
What is the importance of ablution? Is Prayer valid without ablution? ...
How many rak`ahs is the Duha Prayer? What it its ruling in Islam? ...
What are the lessons to be learned from the Prophet’s death? What is the importance of prayer i ...
What is meant by i`tikaf? What are the etiquettes of i`tikaf? What is the significance of i`tik ...