How to raise your hands during takbir in prayer? What is the wisdom behind saying Allahu Akbar ...
Is it allowed for a boy to lead a congregational prayer? What is the Proof? ...
What shall be done once you finish the obligatory prayer? What is the object of changing positi ...
What is the Difference Between Fard and Nafl Prayers? ...
How could the Muslim perfect his prayer? ...
How could one overcome the whispers of Satan when performing wudu'? How could you perform wudu' ...
What is the ruling of missed prayers of a person who was unconscious? ...
What is the ruling of catching the prayer while the imam in the last tashahhud? ...
How could one wipe over the socks? What is the evidence of wiping over socks? What is the perio ...
What is the ruling of raising voice in prayer for women? What is the difference between loud an ...