The Sacred Mosque in Makkah.

Conditions of Prayer: Facing the Qiblah

What is the ruling of facing the qiblah when offering prayer? What is the ruling of a person wh ...

Some Muslims are performing ablution.

Is Ghusl Sufficient for Ablution?

What is the ruling if a person does not intend to perform ablution during the optional ritual b ...

Prayer in Islam

Prayer Is Better Than Sleep

Why do we pray? How could we escape or relieve ourselves from the worries of this life? What is ...

someone is waiting for the prayer.

Neglecting the Prayer

What is the importance of prayer in the life of the Muslim? What is the first thing that a serv ...

some people are offering prayer in congregation.

Psychological Benefits of the Prayer

What do scientists say about the psychological benefits of prayer? How could a Muslim face diff ...

Someone is prostrating during his prayer.

Prayer: Importance and Status

What is the importance of prayer in Islam? How did the Prophet emphasize on prayer? ...

Muslims are offering prayer.

The Rejected Prayer

In which cases is the prayer rejected? What is the importance of humility in Prayer? ...


The Meaning of Prayer

What is the ruling of prayer in Islam? What is the meaning of prayer in Shari`ah ? ...


Punishment for Leaving Prayer

What is the ruling of prayer in Islam? What is the punishment for leaving prayer in the Islamic ...

Someone off is prostrating during his prayer.

Prayer of a Traveler

What is the ruling of shortening prayer during travel? How could the Muslim offer it? ...