Forgetting Sujud As-Sahw

What Is the Ruling of Forgetting Sujud As-Sahw?

What are the etiquettes of Sujud As-Sahw? How could you offer prostration of forgetfulness? ...

What Is the Difference Between Mani and Madhi?

What Is the Difference Between Mani and Madhi?

Does madhi require performing ghusl? What is the ruling if one remembers that he had a wet drea ...

What is the ruling of missed prayers of a person who was unconscious

What Is the Ruling of Missed Prayers Due to Unconsciousness?

What is the ruling of missed prayers of a person who was unconscious? ...

Breaking Wind During Prayer

What Is the Ruling of Breaking Wind During Prayer?

Does passing wind invalidate one’s ablution? In which cases does one have to repeat his ablutio ...

Is There a Specific Prayer Between Maghrib and `Isha’

Is There a Specific Prayer Between Maghrib and `Isha’?

What are the virtues of offering voluntary prayers? What is the ruling of offering six rak`ahs ...


What Shall We Say in Sujud As-Sahw?

Is it permissible to recite invocations during Sujud As-Sahw? ...

Does Changing a Baby’s Diaper Nullify ablution?

Does Changing a Baby’s Diaper Nullify Ablution?

What is the ruling of ablution after changing my baby’s diaper? Does touching the impurity null ...

Leaving Friday Prayer During a Picnic

Leaving Friday Prayer During a Picnic: Excused?

What are the virtues of the Friday Prayer? What is the ruling of the Friday Prayer? What is the ...

What Are the Virtues of Fajr Prayer?

What Are the Virtues of Fajr Prayer?

What are the virtues of prayer in congregation? What is the wisdom of following the Sunnah of ...

Wiping Over Fabric Socks

Wiping Over Fabric Socks: Excused?

How could one wipe over the socks? Is it better to wipe over socks or taking them off to wash t ...