What is the ruling of supplication in the prostration? What is the ruling of supplication durin ...
Do you have to make Adhan if you pray individually at home? What is the excellence in doing it? ...
What are the pillars of Islam? Are there any excuses to leave prayer? What are the great benefi ...
How could you gain the great pleasure of Allah? How could you strengthen your relationship with ...
How could a believer get closer to Allah in Ramadan? What is the reward of observing and offeri ...
What is the difference between permanent and temporarily travel as regarding fasting? Do they h ...
Do you raise your hands in supplication when performing Witr? What are the etiquettes of suppli ...
How to raise your hands during takbir in prayer? What is the wisdom behind saying Allahu Akbar ...
Is the translation of the Qur’an is considered Qur’an? Is it permissible to read from the Mus-h ...
What is the Prophet’s guidance in performing Tarawih prayer? What is the significance of Tarawi ...