What is the deadline for Fajr prayer? To know the answer, watch this short video by Dr. Muhamma ...
Can you pray Sunnah prayers at home? Can you pray Sunnah prayer with your wife? To get these qu ...
What do you know about sunnah prayers? What are the confirmed sunnah prayers before and after o ...
If someone is in the middle of a prayer, and he has doubt in his ablution, what should he do? W ...
What should you do if you make a mistake during the prayer or if you are not certain of how man ...
Watch this episode of the Prophet's Prayer series presented by Dr. Muhammad Salah on Huda TV to ...
Watch this episode of the Prophet's Prayer series presented by Dr. Muhammad Salah on Huda TV to ...
In this Episode, Dr. Muhammad Salah and Dr. Yasir al-Fiqi explain the position of the sitting o ...
In this Episode, Dr. Muhammad Salah and Dr. Yasir al-Fiqi explain the position of Sujud (prostr ...
What is the ruling of finding wetness after waking up? Is it madhi or mani? Does it require per ...