Praying Sunnah Prayers with Wife at Home

Can you pray Sunnah prayers at home? Can you pray Sunnah prayer with your wife? To get these qu ...

Offering the Two Rakat of Greeting the Masjid

Offering the Two Rakat of Greeting the Masjid: Recommended?

What is the ruling of offering the two rakahs of greeting the masjid (mosque)? Is it permissibl ...

Making Up the Missed Sunnah of Maghrib After Isha: Allowed?

Making Up the Missed Sunnah of Maghrib After Isha: Allowed?

Is it permissible to make up the sunnah of Maghrib after Isha Prayer if there is no time betwee ...

The Eclipse Prayer

The Eclipse Prayer

What is the significance of eclipse in Islam? How to offer the solar/lunar eclipse prayer? ...

Solar Eclipse

Prayer of the Solar and Lunar Eclipse (Salat Al-Khusuf)

What is the ruling of the solar and punar eclipse prayer? How to perform it? What is the ruling ...

What Is the Ruling of Offering Only the Obligatory Prayers 

What Is the Ruling of Offering Only the Obligatory Prayers? 

What is the ruling of offering only the obligatory prayers? What are the virtues of offering th ...

What Is the Minimum for the Witr Prayer?

What Is the Minimum for the Witr Prayer?

How could you prayer the Witr prayer? What is the minimum number for the Witr Prayer? Watch thi ...

Praying The Sunnah Of Fajr Prayer Before The Adhan

Praying the Sunnah of Fajr Before Adhan: Permissible?

What is the Ruling of offering the sunnah of Fajr (Dawn) Prayer before the adhan (call of praye ...

Offering Obligatory Prayer Behind One who Is Offering Nafl

Offering Obligatory Prayer Behind One who Is Offering Nafl: Permissible?

What is the ruling of offering an obligatory prayer behind one who is offering nafl? What shoul ...

What Is the Time for Tahajjud

What Is the Time for Tahajjud?

What is the time for tahajjud in in Islam? What are the virtues of offering the night prayer? D ...