Our children and the mosque

Our Children and Prayer (2/2)

What are the best ways to imbue the child with love for the mosque? ...

A child attend the mosque with the adults .

Holding a Child While Praying

Is offering prayer while holding a child valid? What is the evidence? ...

Ahmad ibn Hanbal’s Treatise on Prayer (Salah)

Ahmad ibn Hanbal’s Treatise on Prayer (Salah) ...

The Muslim Prayer Book: Rules, Concepts & Merits

The Muslim Prayer Book: Rules, Concepts & Merits ...

The Sun and the Qiblah

The Sun Will Indicate the Qiblah

When the does the sun indicate the qiblah each year? What is the story of changing the qiblah? ...


The Second Call to Prayer (Iqamah)

What is the ruling of making the second call to prayer? How can one make it? What is the formul ...

The Muezzin is calling to prayer.

Call to Prayer (Adhan)

What is the status of Adhan in Islam? What is its ruling? What shall we do when hearing the Mue ...

a boy in a mosque

Status of Prayer in Islam

What is the status of prayer in Islam? What is the spiritual influence of prayer? ...

Pure water

When Is Ghusl Obligatory?

What is required from women after the period? What should be done in case of finding sperm on o ...

Some people are waiting in the mosque for Fajr Prayer.

Delaying Prayer Beyond its Time

Why is it invalid to delay Fajr Prayer? ...