What Is The Ruling Of Breaking Ablution During Prayer?

Ruling On Breaking Ablution During Prayer

What is correct way to leave the prayer in case of breaking ablution (wudu')? Do I have to get ...

Can Women Do Itikaf at Home?

Can Women Do Itikaf at Home?

What is the ruling of making itikaf at home for women (musalla room) instead of the Masjid? Wha ...

A Muslim sits at a mosque - Fard and Nafl Prayers

What is the Difference Between Fard and Nafl Prayers?

What is the Difference Between Fard and Nafl Prayers? ...

Tarawih Prayer

Is Offering Tarawih in Congregation Bidah?

What is meant by bid`ah? How could you refute the misconception about Tarawih prayer? Did `Umar ...

What Is the Ruling of Intention before Prayer

What Is the Ruling of Intention before Prayer?

What is the ruling of intention before offering prayer? What is ruling of uttering the intentio ...

Someone offers prayer near the sea.

Nullifiers of Prayer

How could the Muslim perfect his prayer? ...

The Importance of Attahiyat in Prayer

The Obligation of Attahiyat in Prayer

What is meant by Attahiyat that is said during prayer? What are the virtues of Attahiyat? Watch ...

Reciting Short Surahs After Al-Fatihah in the 3rd and 4th Rakahs

Reciting Other Surahs after Al-Fatihah in the 3rd and 4th Rakahs: Permissible?

What is the ruling of reciting short verses or surahs after Al-Fatihah in the 3rd and 4th Rakah ...

How the Prophet Observed I`tikaf

How the Prophet Observed I`tikaf

What is the guidance of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in i`tikaf? How could one seek Laylat A ...

One Tasleem in Prayer: Enough?

One Tasleem in Prayer: Enough?

How could you make tasleem at the end of prayer? ...