wiping over socks

Wiping Over Socks

What are the things that would nullify wiping over the socks? How could we count the period of ...


Importance of Supplication

What is the impact of the prayer in the daily life of the believer? ...

Congregational Prayer

Praying behind a Boy Who is not Adult

Is it allowed for a boy to lead a congregational prayer? What is the Proof? ...

Prostration in Prayer

Striking a Balance between Hope and Fear While Praying

What are the essential feelings during prayer? Mention some of the attributes of the believers? ...

Prayer In Islam

Changing Position after Obligatory Prayer to Pray Sunnah prayer

What shall be done once you finish the obligatory prayer? What is the object of changing positi ...


Ruku` in Prayer

What are the external acts of bowing? How to perform bowing in the perfect way? ...


Seeking Refuge in Allah during Prayer

How does Satan distract us from the prayer? How could you avoid the whispers of Satan during pr ...

Prayers: A Special Connection with God

Prayers: A Special Connection with God

Islam signifies the subjection of all activities in all walks of life to the Law of God Almight ...

Prostration during the prayer.

How to Taste the Sweetness of Prayer

What do you know about the state of khushu` in prayer? How could you taste the sweetness of pra ...

Tashahhud during the prayer.

Conclusion of Prayer

What is the Prophet’s guidance in concluding his prayer? ...