What Is the Ruling of Brownish Discharge Before and After Menses? What is meant by kudrah and s ...
What is the ruling of using moisturizing cream or oil on skin before performing ablution? Do yo ...
What is the importance of ablution? Is Prayer valid without ablution? ...
Does a Muslim woman have to make up the missed prayers during her menses? What should she make ...
What is meant by nifas? What is the minimum period of post-natal bleeding? What is the maximum ...
What is the ruling of some urine drops on the underwear? How could the one who suffer from urin ...
Does Haid prevent a woman from offering the acts of worship? Does istihadah prevent a woman fro ...
What is the ruling of leaving a portion of a pillar while performing ablution? ...
What shall I do if I find sperm comes out after performing ghusl of janabah? ...
What are the conditions of wiping over socks? How could you calculate the period of wiping over ...