The Eclipse Prayer

The Eclipse Prayer

What is the significance of eclipse in Islam? How to offer the solar/lunar eclipse prayer? ...

From The Benefits Of Prayer Is Nearness To Allah

Nearness to Allah Is on the Top of the Benefits of Prayer

How could Salah (Prayer) increase the nearness of Allah Almighty? How could you strengthen your ...


Duha Prayer

How many rak`ahs is the Duha Prayer? What it its ruling in Islam? ...

Rain falling

Prayer for Rain (Salat Al-Istisqa’)

What is the recorded supplication regarding the Prayer for Rain? ...

Why Do We Pray 5 Times a Day

Why Do We Pray 5 Times a Day?

Why do Muslims pray at night? What are the conditions of the accepted prayer? ...

Someone pours water on his hands.

Actions for Which Ghusl is Preferred

What is the ruling of offering a ritual bath before going to the mosque for Friday Prayer? ...

The sunrise over a mosque.

Merits of the Duha Prayer

What are the virtues of the Duha Prayer? What is the best time to offer it? ...


Etiquette of Going to the Bathroom

How could you avoid impurities when going to the bathroom? What are the etiquettes that are req ...

Someone raises his hand in supplication.

Prayer of Repentance

What is the status of repentance in Islam? What is meant by prayer of repentance? ...

The Worshipers are making ruku` during their congregational prayer.

Leaving Prayer with No Reward

What is meant by khushu` in prayer? How could one achieve it? ...