Originally posted 2021-03-08 10:51:47.
Pillars of Prayer (Salah)
What are the pillars of prayer (salah) without them the prayer is invalid?
The pillars of prayer are:
1- The Intention (An-Niyyah) which means setting the right intention for praying each prayer.
2- The opening takbeer (takbirat Al-Ihram) which means saying ‘Allahu Akbar‘ at the beginning of prayer.
3- The qiyam (standing upright if one has the ability to do so).
4- Reciting Surat Al-Fatihah (Opening Chapter of the Quran) in each rak`ah of prayer.
5- Making Ruku` (Bowing).
6- Rising from the bowing position.
7- Making Sujud (Prostration) twice in each rak`ah.
8- Sitting between the two prostrations.
9- Sitting while reciting the last tashahhud.
10- The final tashahhud (reciting the testimony of faith)
11- The tasleem (saying ‘Asalamu Alaikum‘ at the end of the prayer)
12- Being calm and feeling at ease while fulfilling each movement is essential to give it its due right; making certain that each body part assumes the appropriate position before one moves from one position to another.
13- Following the right order for each pillar as mentioned above.
Watch this short talk to know the pillars of prayer in details with Dr. Muhammad salah.
Source: Huda Youtube Channel.